News Digest 4/9/2008

By: Rick Waldinger

Quote of the day

"It's just too big. How are you going to control this monstrosity and make it accountable? This board has no way of knowing what's going on except for what the staff tells it."

Assemblyman Charles Calderon, D-Montebello, questioning whether a citizen board can adequately govern State Fund

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State Reform Legislation Moves
Legislation reforming State Compensation Insurance Fund’s governance is off and running. It’s being applauded as a step in the right direction, but is real change in the air? What changes are on the table and what impact will they have. Is there an effort to derail some of the proposals? Find out by clicking here. Workers’ Comp Executive
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Not Quite SALT II
My recent lunch date with State Fund president Janet Frank revealed much about the woman charged with turning around the state’s largest workers’ comp carrier and perhaps even more about myself. Could real reforms actually be in the works at SCIF’s 16th floor executive offices? Find out here. Workers’ Comp Executive
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Does Practice Make Perfect Medical Care?
So how much extra is your typical group health doctor costing the system by treating just two or three cases a year? The results are shocking and new data shows just how wide the performance gap really is between the system’s major and minor league providers. Click here. Workers’ Comp Executive
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Data Show Moderation of LAE Trends
When data from the state’s largest outlier are excluded from the calculation, ALAE and ULAE trends actually showed a bit of moderation in recent years. But a new analysis by the Bureau on LAE projections warns that these trends could reverse if court cases go the wrong way. Read it right here, right now, by clicking here. Workers’ Comp Executive
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SCIF’s Putnam Retires
Appointed by former president Jim Tudor, SCIF executive vice president John Putnam is retiring. Read the details, including what new president Janet Frank has to say, in the free article. Just click here. Workers’ Comp Executive
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Decision Helps Broker’s Case
An appellate court opened the way for a broker to collect damages from SCIF as the result of the preferred-broker purge in 2002. It is a question of the fairness doctrine. Premium subscribers can find out who the broker is, what happened, and what the lawyers say. Just click here.
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New Approach to Network Building
Not satisfied with the rental MPN networks available, Preferred Employers Insurance provides its employer clients and their injured workers a directly contracted MPN. Find out why, how they accomplished it and how they envision the process. Click here.
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Large Percentage of Bureau Data Inaccurate
A new review found that insurer data on many of their largest accounts is inaccurate. Both payroll misclassifications and faulty claims reporting are creating doubt about the validity of Bureau data overall. See who’s to blame for the faulty data and what’s being done to correct the situation. Click here.
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