Flash: 2025 Workers’ Comp Assessments
The new assessments for funding the Division of Industrial Relations are out for workers’ comp policies, and the total is up again. How much more do they say they need to run the system? What will employers be paying?
Flash: Workers’ Comp TTD/PTD Benefits Increase
California’s average weekly wage increased, so workers’ comp benefits paid by employers are also increasing. How big is the increase, and when will it take effect? Find out right here right now.
Flash: Flash: California Employers Owe Billions
A new analysis of the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund program shows that California employers owe billions to injured workers who have pre-existing disabilities. How many billions of dollars have regulators added to California’s beleaguered employers costs?
Supreme Court Limits 50% Bump Up Provision
The California Supreme Court settled a dispute over when certain temporary disability benefits can and cannot be increased when serious and willful misconduct lead to the injury. What does the court say is the central question that has to be answered?
Workers’ Comp Bills Introduced
The California legislature has introduced Many bills concerning workers' comp. One legislator is carrying a bill targeting workers' comp premium fraud. What aspects of the system are others look-ing to change?
Employees’ Requirements for Reasonable Accommodation
The Fair Employment and Housing Act requires many things of employers in dealing with employee disabilities. What responsibilities do employees have under the act?
Labor Commissioner Issues Stop Order for Misclassification
State officials say an employer intentionally misclassifies workers as independent contractors. Who is at the center of the controversy, and what are the penalties they are facing?
Cal/OSHA Treading into Workers Comp
Cal/OSHA is wading into the workers' comp pool with its workplace violence regulations. What is the proposed standard that has workplace safety and health professionals seemingly ready to take up arms, and where has the workers' comp community been?
Book Review
The Ghost and Ms. Hamlett
When Mark Webb, Workers’ Comp Executive editorialist, died after a short illness in 2023, Christina Hamlett, his wife, was overwhelmed. Luckily, she had plenty of wisdom from which to draw. She is a playwright, and she used her skills to pass on her wisdom and experience in a book to help new widows and widowers.
Nonprofit Appeals Carrier Charge for Non Paid Officers
Can a workers' comp carrier charge premium for an unpaid volunteer executive officer of a non-profit entity? A theater company is challenging the idea with the California Department of Insurance. But there are wrinkles.
Claims Administrator, Division Settle Lawsuit Over Failed Audit
The Division of Workers' Compensation and a third-party administrator came to terms on an agreement that puts to rest a lawsuit over the timeliness of the Division's audits. What did each side give up in the agreement?
Draft MPN Regulatory Changes Open
What will change if the Division of Workers' Compensation adopts a draft proposal for the medical provider network regulations? How can you influence what changes are made?
Utilization Review Study Out For Bid
What will be in a long-delayed study of the workers' comp program's utilization review system? When will the results be available?
Cannabis In Workers’ Comp Issues
What does the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine have to say about cannabis use in the workers' comp system? When does California plan to adopt the treatment guideline?