News Digest 6-16-2020

Quote of the day

“I hope this serves as an incentive for good behavior.”

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, regarding three pandemic-related executive orders he announced Monday

Arkansas Times



‘So where did Covid come from?’

We know one thing for sure: this pandemic did not emerge from the Wuhan wild animal market instantly identified as the source by Beijing. Did the novel coronavirus leak from a Wuhan lab? Award-winning foreign reporter and columnist Ian Birrell discusses. Unherd


Chinese army major arrested at LAX, accused of stealing medical research from UCSF

A major in China’s People’s Liberation Army has been arrested at Los Angeles International Airport, telling federal authorities that he has been stealing secrets from the medical researchers at the University of California, San Francisco and sending them to a military lab in China. Federal prosecutors allege he entered the US on a fake passport in March 2019 posing as medical researcher, joined the UCSF lab and began accessing medical research. Federal officials also say some of the work of the UCSF lab was funded by grants from the US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. KPIX (San Francisco)


Arkansas gov orders immunity from lawsuits for some businesses

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson announced yesterday three executive orders to provide businesses and healthcare providers immunity from lawsuits as a result of employees or customers with COVID-19. One order reportedly will expand workers’ comp to provide benefits if an employee contracts COVID-19. Arkansas Times


Q&A with ASU law prof on returning to work during COVID-19

ASU Now spoke with Michael Selmi, a Foundation Professor of Law at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, discusses the reopening of America’s workplace and how it might not be as easy as it sounds. AZ Big Media