Flash: Workers’ Comp TTD/PTD Benefits Increase
California’s average weekly wage increased, so workers’ comp benefits paid by employers are also increasing. How big is the increase, and when will it take effect? Find out right here right now.
Flash: Flash: California Employers Owe Billions
A new analysis of the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund program shows that California employers owe billions to injured workers who have pre-existing disabilities. How many billions of dollars have regulators added to California’s beleaguered employers costs?
Flash: Commissioner Rejects Call For Workers’ Comp Rate Hike
The September 1, 2024, workers’ comp rate decision is in, and employers dodged another Bureau attempt to hike rates. How much were the rates cut? Find out by clicking here…
DIR Finds $8.75M, But Is $440M or More Missing?
Is the Department of Industrial Relations spending employers’ assessment dollars without legal authority? How have its explanations changed over the years and why won’t it provide an account-ing of the unspent funds?
Workers' Comp Claimants Ask For Supreme Court’s Help
Eleven workers' comp claimants, who have waited an untenable amount of time and are caught up in the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board's procedures, are asking the California Supreme Court to step in. What are they asking the court to do?
Property Management Among Classifications Up For Review
The Bureau is continuing to launch classification reviews. Now it is the property management, construction, and mining industries among others. Why and what is the timeline for potential class changes?
California’s 2023 Injury Statistics
How well did California employers do last year in cutting down on workplace injuries and illnesses? What are the sectors with the highest rates of injury?
Privette Doctrine - A Primer
The Privette Doctrine creates liability protection for property owners when an independent contractor or their employee is injured on their property. What are the conditions when it doesn't apply? What can brokers do to help their clients avoid unnecessary liability?
Broker Enhances Relationship
A broker explains how Workers' Comp Executive adds to his value as a broker and his relationship with his client.
Updating Upper Payroll Limits Updated
Payroll limits for capped classes are on the increase. How big of an impact has wage inflation played? What will the new minimums and maximums be?
Fraud Referrals Rebound
Claimant fraud, premium fraud, misclassification fraud - how widespread is workers' comp fraud in California? New data from the California Department of Insurance provides insight into the types of fraud investigators are finding and how few are charged by a District Attorney.
WCAB Continues Crackdown
How did an applicant's attorney avoid sanctions for an untimely petition for reconsideration? What does the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board say that he and others should do in similar situations?
State Fund’s 3Q Results
Premium is down, but net income is up at the State Compensation Insurance Fund. What is driving the carrier's financial results?
Food Manufacturing Class Changes Up For Consideration
What changes does the Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau have in store for employers in the food and beverage manufacturing industry? How will these changes affect the rates the covered employers pay? In one case the difference in loss to payroll ratio is nearly 80%.