MEWA Fraud Verdict – Finally

Five years after a federal indictment was handed down and nearly eight years after state officials first ordered an illegal workers’ comp program to cease and desist operations, a jury … Read More »

Finally the MEWA Fraud Case Goes to Court

The five-year-old criminal fraud case against Marcus Asay, Antonio Gastelum, and their American Labor Alliance (ALA) and Agricultural Contracting Services Association is finally going to trial. The U.S. District Court … Read More »

MEWA Trial Delayed

Federal prosecutors were prepared to go to trial next month in the fraud case against American Labor Alliance and its two top executives—Marcus Asay and Antonio Gastelum—but now do not … Read More »

Trial Date Finally Set In MEWA Case

Federal prosecutors are finally ready and going to trial against Marcus Asay and Antonio Gastelum. They are accused of committing fraud as part of running the “MEWA” known as American … Read More »

Feds MEWA Investigation Continues

The United States Attorney’s Office says it is continuing its criminal investigation into Marcus Asay and Antonio Gastelum’s actions concerning the illegal “workers’ comp” program offered first by the American … Read More »