2020’s Biggest Workers’ Comp Stories – A Year In Review

Workers’ Comp Executive launches each new year with the publication of a list of the “Top Stories” from the prior 12 months. Some years are more newsworthy than others, but we certainly had some doozies during what was our 30th year covering the California workers’ comp industry. Beset by the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Newsom followed … Read More »

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Lawsuit Over MEWA’s Fake Coverage

A Fresno area restaurant is suing the illegal American Labor Alliance and its founder Marcus Asay for selling bogus workers’ comp coverage. The trial is scheduled for the fall and … Read More »

DIR Workers’ Comp or AB 5 Enforcement

The Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DSLE) says it is not pursuing employers with workers’ comp coverage that is nonexistent or inadequate to meet their obligation under Labor Code section 3700. The state is not enforcing the requirement for employers to have workers’ comp insurance. Instead, DSLE is focusing its enforcement … Read More »

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Broker Sued Over MEWA Placement

A Southern California employer sued its broker for negligence for placing the company in a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) that obtained workers’ comp coverage from the many times declared illegal CompOneUSA program run by the American Labor Alliance. “Plaintiff ended up with non-existent workers’ compensation coverage for at least six months and incurred hundreds of … Read More »

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Top Workers’ Comp Stories of 2019

Every year with the first issue of the new year, Workers’ Comp Executive compiles a list of the “Top Stories” from the prior 12 months. Some years produce more newsworthy events than others, such as when major legislative reforms occur, there are shakeups in the workers’ comp market, or when scandals are exposed. Well, 2019 … Read More »

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